therapy for moms in san diego


You do everything you can to care for your children, often putting their needs above your own. The truth is, it’s hard to pour from an empty cup. You deserve support, too. We offer therapy for moms in San Diego to give you a safe space for processing all of the joys and hardships that come along with being a mom.  Many people struggle with asking for help at times, though it can be especially difficult for moms. Society often expects us to have it all together and know exactly what to do to be a perfect mother. However, those expectations are unfair and unrealistic.

All moms need and deserve help. It doesn't mean you're a failure or doing a bad job. Our team of therapists in San Diego are here to remind you that you don't have to navigate the journey of motherhood alone.

Working with a therapist can help you learn tools to cope with the stress of being a mom. It can also provide you with an outlet to process all of the feelings that come along with motherhood–from happiness and pride to anxiety and overwhelm.

If you want to learn more about working with a therapist and how it can help you, we encourage you to reach out. We offer complimentary consultations so you can get a sense of what counseling entails and whether our team is a good match for you and your needs.

counseling for moms

counseling for moms


We view counseling as a collaborative process that involves mutual respect and connection. While our team has extensive clinical experience and training, we know that each person is a unique individual with different preferences, values, and goals for counseling.

Our therapists take time to get to know you intimately in order to create a customized experience just for you. We provide gentle feedback, suggestions, and insight, but we acknowledge that you know yourself best.
Many of our therapists know firsthand how challenging motherhood can be. The stress of being a mom can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to come with shame. Part of our approach to counseling involves helping you accept your emotions and embrace them as part of your experience without letting them define you.

Our role is to be your compassionate guide and trusted confidant as you navigate motherhood. We're here to validate your feelings and help you make sense of your role as a mother, whether you're experiencing pregnancy for the first time, recently became a new mom, or have been a mother for years.

Women face so much pressure as mothers, and you deserve to be met with kindness and care. We consider it a privilege to be a part of your journey. Together, we can make meaningful change that will help you feel confident and supported as a mother.

perinatal mental health issues that therapy for mothers can help with

 Counseling can help moms with all sorts of different challenges. Our team has experience supporting mothers with a wide variety of struggles (and strengths!) We'd be honored to help you with any of the following issues–and more.

baby blues

Many new mothers experience mood changes in the days after giving birth. These mood swings can come along with other symptoms such as weepiness, irritability, trouble concentrating, fatigue, and more. This experience is often referred to as the "baby blues." It often goes away on its own within a matter of days or weeks after delivery. However, it can still be a stressful experience. Counseling can help you process it and adjust to your new role as a mom.

Postpartum depression has similar symptoms to baby blues. However, the symptoms can be more intense and last for a longer period of time. Some women even experience symptoms like cognitive impairment, delusions, or hallucinations.
Postpartum depression can significantly impact your ability to live your day to day life. Counseling can provide you with a space to safely express your emotions, make sense of your experience, and learn new ways to cope.

All moms deserve support, no matter where you're at in your motherhood journey. Having a space all your own to process your feelings, share your experience, and be met with compassion can be incredibly comforting.
Our team is ready to support you with whatever challenges (and successes!) you experience as a mom. We are privileged to hold space with many different types of women in their motherhood experience, and we can't wait to meet you.

We often envision birth to be a beautiful, miraculous experience. While it is for many women, others (unfortunately) experience trauma during and after birth. Labor complications, unforeseen medical events for mom or baby, and infant loss are all examples of birth-related trauma. While counseling won't change what you went through, it can change how you move forward. Working with a therapist can help you reprocess your trauma, allowing you to heal from your experience. EMDR therapy in San Diego can be especially helpful. With this approach, you and your therapist will use strategies to retrain your brain to have less intense reactions to memories of your trauma.

It's normal to experience some stress as a new parent. After all, entering motherhood is a huge transition in your life. However, if it feels like you're constantly worrying, you might be experiencing postpartum anxiety.
Women with postpartum anxiety also experience physical symptoms like sleep problems, racing heart, loss of appetite, and muscle tension. It can often coexist with postpartum depression as well. Counseling can give you tools to heal and feel grounded in your identity as a mother.


All women have different experiences with therapy. With that being said, many mothers experience counseling as a helpful place to work through their emotions, adjust to becoming a parent, or simply make sense of their journey through motherhood. Here are a few other potential benefits that you may experience through counseling for moms in San Diego.


No parent is perfect. If you're feeling overwhelmed and unsure whether you're doing a “good job,” know that you're not alone. Many other women struggle with navigating this whole motherhood thing, and it doesn't come with a roadmap.
Therapy provides a safe space for moms to learn skills to better support their kids.
Research suggests that therapy can be especially helpful for moms who have existing mental health struggles, though all moms can benefit.


You in and of yourself are worthy of care and compassion. With that being said, it can be hard for moms to prioritize their own needs. If this sounds like you, consider the fact that studies show that maternal mental health can impact their little ones' development.
If it feels difficult to justify carving out time for yourself as a busy mom, remember that you can't pour from an empty cup. Getting support can be life changing for you and for your children. You set a great example for them by taking care of yourself.


It takes a village to raise a child, but navigating the dynamics within your village isn’t easy. As a mom, you might face the challenge of setting boundaries with extended family or communicating with your partner about sharing the mental load of parenthood. You might also struggle to make time for friendships or communicate with your employer about your family’s needs.
Therapy is a supportive environment where you can process these relationship challenges. In therapy, you will learn new communication strategies that can help you form and maintain the connections you crave. 


Any parent knows that watching your child experience difficulties, especially medical problems, can be heart wrenching. Having your baby spend time in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is no different.

Many new parents feel totally helpless if their baby requires intensive medical care. You might even blame yourself for the situation, even if you logically know it's not your fault. This experience can come with incredibly complicated emotions.


Individual therapy has been shown to improve mental health symptoms in new moms, especially depression and anxiety symptoms. One study shows how women can especially benefit from therapy techniques that are designed specifically with new moms in mind.
While getting help for maternal mental health has often carried intense stigma, know that you deserve support. Though being a mom can be a joyful, rewarding experience, it's also challenging at times. You’re not alone if you feel  overwhelmed, and you deserve support.

faqs about counseling for moms in san diego

It's natural to have questions about what therapy for moms entails. We've done our best to answer a few of the most common questions we receive, but feel free to connect with us if you have other questions or concerns.

  • Yes! All of our sessions are currently held online. We understand how tough it can be to get out of the house as a busy mother or when you're healing from giving birth. It can feel impossible to coordinate hours of childcare and make time to drive to an office.

    Online therapy allows us to meet you where you're at: both literally and figuratively. You'll meet with your therapist through a secure, hipaa-compliant platform to ensure that your information stays confidential. Plus, having an appointment from the comfort of your home can help you feel safe to open up.

  • We don't believe in a one size fits all approach to therapy. We will work with you to make a treatment plan that best fits your needs. That includes discussing how frequently we'll meet and for how long.

    Many people start feeling the benefits of therapy in just a few months or even a few sessions. Others view therapy as a years-long or even lifelong journey. There is no "Right" or "Wrong" way to do therapy. You and your therapist will discuss a timeframe that feels right for you.


If you're looking for support as a new mother, our team is here for you. We encourage you to for a complimentary consultation to get a sense of whether we'll be a good match for each other. We can't wait to hear from you!